Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Six Sign of Deviance

        Are you deviant? what is a deviant? deviance can include so many different behaviors. Behaviors in one culture may be seen as a norm but in another culture as taboo, this makes it hard to establish who is and isn't a deviant world wide. Culture by culture it's easier to see deviant behavior.

Many years ago when i first moved to New york i had the pleasure to witness deviances in action i had to pick my cousin up from school early one day, because she wasn't feeling well when i got to her class room i was shock to see one of her classmate screaming cuss words and trying to fight the teacher. As the teacher try to calm down the student; he started smacking his books off the table. finally another teacher found her way into the class and started saying this is not how a child act in school or any where else because this type of behavior wasn't acceptable. Made me think back to my younger days when my mother use to tell me a child should be seen and not heard.  

This pass weekend i was being deviant without thinking twice about it. I went to the movies to see Iron Man 3 and i recieved a call in the begining of the film I pick up the call and on the other line was my credit card company calling to make sure that the tranactions that's has been coming in was my use as the call progress i kept answering questions trying to talk in a low voice the lady sitting by me got fed up and turn and yell can i get off the phone because she's trying to watch the movie and i was being very rude i was so embrass that i click the end button without even saying bye.

In out society we know the norm for being skinny is broadcast through television, magazines cover, radio stations and social media pages, (Facebook,twitter,pinter,Instagram etc...) when someone who is over weight and go against the idea of the collective thought they are seen as deviant and bash for being different; but also to some extent it's acceptable for a man to be fat but not skinny.

One of the most deviant act that has happen was back in 2008 when Barack Obama ran for president and won through out history every president we have had has been white when President Obama decide that change needed to come for America he was looked as a hether and some what of a terrioist because he went against the norm of not being white with power .

Even though getting tattoos and piercing are acceptable having to many is not kosher in our society a while back when i was in the village i came across a guy who had pierced his whole face and had tattoos through his body as people walked by him they glock and pointed; because he looked different from what was socially acceptable.

In school we learn  how to navigate our way through life and in order to do that we most continue to go to school graduate get a job. if the job we are at isn't to our liking we can go back to school to getting a better education to achieve the job we want being homeless is never a options growing up my mother would tell me stay in school make sure you get an education so you don't end up like a bum in the streets begging for money. being homeless comes with the stigma of not being a part of society and if your not apart of it you consider deviant and must be dealt with in some foam and most common is to pretend like they don't even exist.

Relating to the article "Positive Function of the Undeserving poor" Herbert J. Gan's. Gans illustrates the positives functions in which the poor populations can benefit the "better-off" Gan indicates that the poor population- often accused of being last, dangerous, and the cause of their own failures- are commonly classified as the undeserving poor. positives aspects that the "better-off" would rather ignore to acknowledge. Gan speaks about the 13 interesting functions in which the poor can be beneficial but one the thing that stuck out to me was economic banishment that poor people are faced elaborating on my last post about deviances.

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