Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I am a poet, a singer, a believer, a seeker, a day dreamer, a seer but also a listener. I am on the outside looking in trying to come up with a master plan to take over the world an never ending cycle of finding me, I was born in Thessaloniki Greece split between two worlds and obligations. I grew up in Beverly Hill California with a very blessed lifestyle not truly seeing the big picture of the world thinking this 4 by 4 wall is all that existed, and all I needed, it took me a long time to realize that the world wasn’t black and white but multi colors and sounds. I have been bless to travel the world and see different things but still that wasn’t my breaking point that finally define me, and I guess I don’t really have an explanation either I just woke up in the middle of the night yearning for something more needing something more. So I went searching, out of my element and comfort zone I started to volunteer at soup kitchens and one of the family I was fortunate to meet was a mother with two kids over the course of a few weeks she told me stories, her story how she and her kids left in middle of the night to get away from abuses husband and father in the dead of winter. And honestly this might not make sense but I felt her pain truly felt her pain and I wanted to do more than just give her food and someone to talk to. A couple days later I invited her to the mall and she was surprise when I told her whatever her and her kids pick up I will pay for no questions asked the expression she gave me I could never put into words or how I felt, like my heart was going to burst out my chest because I have touch someone that needed to know that people still care, but I have come to a realization’s that human being have stop being the thing we once was, humans. My Grandmother always told me some people are born to be great and some people become great  and I know I was born to be more then great I’m destine to leave a mark that will last an eternity ( I AM HIGH I KNOW ) i am not the person I use to be some days I feel like an alien always looking for reasoning to people actions and out comes that effects everyone, also I see the world differently in all honestly I guess my eyes are wide open and I see the true nature of a beast.


  1. Hi Tybirius! To be honest I really enjoyed reading your blog! Just from this I learned so much about who you are and how you view the world. Your story about that lady who's kids ran away and the way you helped her really touched me. I thought it was very sweet of you to help someone you didn't know. I think you nailed really well how an event has shaped you. I also liked how you structured your blog. It wasn't choppy, everything just flowed and made sense, well to me at least. I also like how you connected it back to human behavior and how you noticed that we aren't the way we used to be.

  2. Hey Tybirius, well for starters i'm really happy that yours was the first blog I read! I truly enjoyed reading the whole thing. I definitely agree with your grandma. There are people who are born great and I think it is awesome that you went out of your way to help her. I can relate to the way you feel about just helping someone who just needs to be reminded that people still do care. Good job on the whole blog entry, I really think you did a good job! And awesome job on the whole layout! It is very creative.

  3. Hi Tybirius! Really enjoyed reading your blog. You are a poet:)) You said that it took a long time to realize that the world is not as simple as it seems to be when you look at it just from your own individual point of view. It is more complex when you realize that there are different perspectives to it. But I don’t think it took you a long time to see that. You are actually one of the lucky ones. Some people live their entire lives being completely oblivious to what is actually going on around them. They don’t even begin to understand how forefeeling and rewording it can be to step outside of your comfort zone and experience something new and unknown. Some people are scared to do so, because they are so comfortable where they are at right now, they are afraid of unknown. So I think you should be really proud of yourself, of not being afraid to explore that curiosity that called your name.
